Being Employed As A Teacher

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Being Employed As A Teacher

Post by Rees » Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:42 pm

With 12 years experience of teaching English in a private school overseas, with private tutoring experience and, presently, five continuous years working in a government school as an Integration Aid I am interested in researching whether there are any options available that would make it possible for me to be employed in the teaching profession, if any. My education consists of H.S.C. and two Certificates of Proficiency in English, one from Cambridge University and the other, Michigan University. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated :)

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Re: Being Employed As A Teacher

Post by Lorina » Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:55 pm

Did you want to work in Early Childhood education or in a primary school? Since you have had alot of experience, if you are interested in working in early childhood you can obtain a Diploma qualification and then study further for the ECT degree. Some uni's offer the ECT degree, up to 8 years so you will be able to teach children up to 8 years. old. With the Diploma qualification using your current experience and knowledge you should be able to apply for Recognition Of Prior Learning. This means that instead of completing assignments for the unit you will be interviewed on your knowledge and experience and if you are competent you pass that unit etc.

Here is some more information:

Gaining RPL In A Childcare Qualification

When you finish your Diploma qualification and you decide to study at uni, you will gain credit on the ECT course with could be 2 or 3 years dependiing on the degree you choose and the uni... Just another alternative...

Hope this helps,


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