What is uni like?

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What is uni like?

Post by Bells13 » Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:49 am

Hi, I'm looking at going to uni next year to do my bachelor Ed (early childhood). I just want to see if any one can share their experiences? I'd like to know: what is uni like, how does the workload compare to dip./adv dip? How much time do you spend AT the uni? What is the field experience and how often do you do it? Are you/did you study full time or part time?
Thanks :)

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Re: What is uni like?

Post by Lorina » Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:07 am

Hi Bells,

Uni is uni... :lol: it's hard and the workload is a lot. You need to find time to study and you have to be able to do plenty of research for assignments. It's hard to say what the workload is like because it depends on where you are going to study. However no matter where you are studying you need to put in the time and effort otherwise you are most likely be behind. Working full time and doing uni is a lot to ask and you need to be able to manage your time to complete the work that needs to get done. Most uni's now offer online courses and you will have to be motivated to complete it. At the beginning it's all fun but as time passes sometimes you begin to think what you got yourself into. Even though it's online it doesn't just stop at assignments... You need to get involved in topic discussions, group tasks, post weekly answers to topic questions and also each week they will give you a module which you need to familiar with, study and will overall help with your assignments. Also uni can be quite expensive... Even if you are getting HECS/Austudy etc it doesn't help cover the cost of textbooks which you need to buy each semester. Some units require 3 to 4 books ranging from about $100 to $200 each and you need to buy them. You can't complete assignments without them, believe me it's almost impossible!

I'm not trying to discourage you at all! I think uni is great if you want to go ahead and become a teacher or a director etc. the units are not that hard to complete and they are all relevant within early childhood. The units you will be completing are very interesting and you do learn a lot. The only difficult part is staying motivated for 3 to 4 years (or more if you are studying part time) until it's complete!

Just thought I'd share my thoughts,

BTW - sorry for my delayed response... working on the next version of online tools templates which is gonna be released very soon...

Good Luck!


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Re: What is uni like?

Post by fchaudari76 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:53 am

Uni is hard, much harder than Diploma studies
You have to put in a lot of study hours which means, if you work FT you will be spending a lot of time studying.
Books can be expensive but you can save by getting 2nd hand books and you can claim them back on taxes at the end of the year

Perhaps do 1 unit / semester until you feel you can cope with more as it does take some getting used to that level of study but it will be worth it

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