Newbie at childcare centre

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Newbie at childcare centre

Post by beckynj » Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:30 pm

Hi, I’m a new member here :) I started my traineeship at a centre last week and so far it has been a big eye opener :lol:
I’m going to start my study at the beginning of next year, so right now I’m only getting the test of the job for the remaining of the year.
There are six rooms for six different age groups at my centre and I’m a floater. I get to work in 4-5 different rooms some days and those days are a bit overwhelming. I can’t remember all the kids names, I don’t get to spend time with them or get to know them so it’s hard to build a relationship with them.
I’m lucky that I’m a mature aged trainee; I’m a mother with school aged kids so being with children in any of these age groups isn’t new to me (being with so many of them is a different story though :lol: ). I’m not being taught anything, all I’m doing is helping the assistants and room leaders in whatever they’re doing. Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m doing too much or not enough. For example, when certain kids misbehave, cry, have tantrums, I’m unsure of what to do. These staff just ignore them and say ‘so and so are always like this, just let her be’. When I console them or pick them up, I feel like they don’t agree with what I’m doing. The staff are always busy writing reports, taking snapshots of what kids do so they can put up photos for parents. I mean, it’s good that parents see/know what kids do in a day but I feel they spend too much time doing this instead of focusing on children.
In 4-5 years room, there’s always chaos. Kids get to do so much free play because staff are busy preparing materials for craft (which is, unfortunately, used and played with for 5 mind...not worth the time they spent preparing). Group times are rush as thought everyone just want it done and over with quickly, and not many kids are interested.
And the ways they deal with kids’ behaviours are just not what I’m used to. If kids are upset for illegitimate reasons (e.g. not being hurt) then they’re told to stop or ignored. They think these kids cry because they don’t get their way and we have encourage them to be independent. Well I agree they need to learn to be independent but telling them to stop crying or ignoring them won’t teach them anything either.
There are a few other things that I don’t quite agree with but this is getting too long lol
I just feel that I’m not in a position to do anything and I’m a little uncomfortable about it. I know that I’m not qualified like them but I’ve been raising my children for many years and done a lot of subjects in childhood education in the past. The only thing I lack is real experience working in childcare centre.
Don’t get me wrong, the centre is good and the staff are lovely. I’m sure they genuinely care and love the children (most of them at least). I just don’t know which direction I’m going at the moment.

Any thoughts? :)

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Re: Newbie at childcare centre

Post by Lorina » Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:26 pm

It’s hard, it definitely hard when you want to step in but feel you’ll be stepping on toes if you do... you may not have early childhood experience but you damn sure have experience as a mother and that definitely counts in my eyes! In regards to the behaviour of the children, have a look through their behaviour policy which will provide details of their strategies on dealing with misbehaviour. It will not say ignore the child that’s for sure and we all should know that ignoring doesn’t work all the time! It’s so much more efficient dealing with it than letting the behaviour carrying on and escalating further. If I was you I would probably just use your own techniques and strategies while dealing with the child’s behaviour. You may get glared at by the Educators or they may not necessarily like that you’re not ignoring the child but we are working in the best interest of the child/ to guide the child not make it easier for ourselves by ignoring behaviour. So, if you feel you have to step in and do your own thing I would say go for it!!!


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Re: Newbie at childcare centre

Post by linsaa fdc » Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:04 am


It's such a shame to hear these reports all the time, that's why I always advocate for Family Day Care. Have you ever heard of it? Maybe it would be a better fit for you, you are your own boss and you can care for the children in your care the way you want to.

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Re: Newbie at childcare centre

Post by 1deskmoz » Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:50 pm


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