Casual Relief Positons

Questions on working as a casual. Such as job responsibilities, what to do, finding casual work etc.
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Casual Relief Positons

Post by Mcinnes » Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:37 am

I completed my cert 3 last week and then the next day I got a job working as casual relief at a centre close by. I am very eager to start working however I am still yet to have received a call to come in for a shift. I understand with the nature of a casual relief position that someone has to call in sick or for annual leave and that shifts aren't always consistent but I was just wondering what the etiquette regarding putting my name down for casual relief positions at other centres is like? Is this something other casual relief staff do? Of course I don't want the centre that has already employed me feeling like I have betrayed them but I would love to be able to offer my availability around! Is it rude to do or is it normal to put your name down at more than one centre?

Any advice on any experience anyone has had with this is welcome!


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Re: Casual Relief Positons

Post by Lorina » Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:47 am

I think it's fine for you to put your name down at other centres. You cant just sit around waiting for one particular centre to call otherwise you may not get any work for awhile. Sometimes centres may call you a day in advance regarding any casual positions for the following day so you can always know ahead of time where you will be working. Usually centres have a list of casual staff to call so if you cant make it then don't feel bad about it, they will get someone else. Also I'm not sure of the chances of staff being "away" from different centres on the same day except probably in peak periods around holidays etc. It's quite common to work as a casual at different centres within your area...

Good Luck with it!


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Re: Casual Relief Positons

Post by Shantel82 » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:55 am

Hi there!
I completed my cert 3 last year. I have gone down as relief at my local kindergarten. The teacher there also has encouraged me to go take my resume down to the kindergarten in the next town for casual relief work as well (I am working towards being a kindergarten teacher so that is why I haven't put my name down at daycares) . As she sees it more experience the better.
I say go for it. Put your name down at as many places as you want.

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